Maybank Training & Learning Centre (TLC)


Many youth in the ASEAN Region are deprived of basic education or skills training. As a result, there are high levels of unemployment among youth who have little or no access to formal schooling. Challenging economic conditions further aggravate the situation. We aim to improve their employability and potential productivity through the Maybank TLC programme. Maybank TLC not only provides training and learning but also empowers youth and provides them the skills they need for work. To help the youth raise above the state of poverty, we build model skills centres in geographically and socio-economically diverse areas that are intended to serve as:

  • Providers of effective vocational training
  • Centres of information and innovative practice
  • Skills training combined with livelihood, health and entrepreneurial training

We are realistic that the programme will evolve with the needs of beneficiaries as well as the lessons that will emerge from implementation and will look to constantly refine the model.

For more information on our programmes, download the Maybank Sustainability Reports here.